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Found 48632 results for any of the keywords hotel ibis. Time 0.011 seconds.
ibis is an international hotel company, owned by Accor hotels. On January 21, 2014 the company opened the 1,000th ibis Hotel in Surabaya, Indonesia because Indonesia had the best growth for the company which Accor was the largest hotel group in Asia Pacific, while about 400 ibis Hotel in France and most of the remainder elsewhere in Europe. -- Wikipedia Hotels in Fribourg, Murten, Morat, Bulle, Gruyere, Estavayer, Vully, BHotels in Fribourg, Murten, Morat, Bulle, Gruyere, Estavayer, Vully, Broye
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2 Star Hotels in Fribourg, Murten, Morat, Bulle, Gruyere, Estavayer, V2 Star Hotels in Fribourg, Murten, Morat, Bulle, Gruyere, Estavayer, Vully, Broye
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